Pavel Livinskiy took part in the first Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum inaugurated in Beijing. The head of «Rosseti» spoke at section «Electric Power and Coal Industry» held with the participation of financial and IT organizations. Having presented the company’s plans for digitalization of the power grid complex, Pavel Livinskiy noted that the project, designed until 2030, «will give a serious impetus for the development of related industries, provide a higher level of comfort for the population, and raise the customer service standards to a qualitatively new level».

«At the same time, we certainly take into account the world’s advanced experience and want to use the best practices. We are ready to expand the international cooperation and would like to invite our Chinese partners, in particular, the State Grid Corporation of China and China Energy Engineering Corporation to possible participation in projects for construction and modernization of the electric grid complex facilities on the territory of Russia, China and third countries, with involvement of joint international funds», Pavel Livinskiy said in his speech.

A number of strategic agreements were also signed on the sidelines of the «Rosseti» forum. In particular, «Rosseti» and China Energy Engineering Corporation Ltd. – one of the world’s largest suppliers of integrated solutions for energy — agreed to exchange technologies and enter into a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation on construction of turn-key power transmission and distribution facilities (so-called EPC contracts, engineering, procurement and construction), with the possibility of financing from Energy China, as well as the implementation of joint projects on the territory of third countries. The Russian and Chinese companies in the near future will create a joint working group to coordinate work in the framework of the agreement.

In addition, «Rosseti» has entered into an agreement with the State Grid Corporation of China, which implies joint work on implementation of digital network technologies in the Russian power grid complex, as well as localization of production of equipment required for creating digital network systems on the territory of the Russian Federation.

One of the pilot projects, in particular, may be the creation of a digital power distribution zone at JSC «IDGC of Urals». Pavel Livinskiy and CEO of the State Grid Corporation of China Kou Wei discussed the relevant proposals in the course of the business meeting.

Decision to hold the Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum was taken following the official visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to China in June 2018.

The forum program included discussion of issues related to the development of oil and gas and coal industries, infrastructure, nuclear power, renewable energy, digital technologies in the energy industry, search for investments for implementation of promising projects.